Useful Telephone Numbers in Tenerife
Tenerife EMERGENCY Telephone Numbers
EMERGENCY General - 112
EMERGENCY Policia Nacional - 091
EMERGENCY Guardia Civil - 062
EMERGENCY Ambulance - 061
EMERGENCY Bomberos - 080
Tenerife Hospitals Telephone Numbers
Hospital Las Americas - 922 750 022
Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora De Candelaria - 922 602 000
Tenerife Consulate and Embassy Telephone Numbers
British Consulate +34 922 286 863 or +34 922 286 653
British Embassy +34 917 146 300
Tenerife Airport Telephone Numbers
TFS South Airport (Reina Sofia) - 922 75 90 00
TFN North Airport (Los Rodeos) - 922 63 58 00
Tenerife Taxi Telephone Numbers
Adeje - 922 714 468
Icod de los Vinos - 922 810 895
Las Americas - 922 790 353 or 922 795 459
La Laguna - 922 259 907 or 922 621 313
Los Cristianos - 922 796 611
Los Gigantes - 922 861 627
Puerto de la Cruz - 902 205 002
Santa Cruz - 922 311 012 or 922 200 404
Tenerife Other Transport Telephone Numbers
Fred Olsen Ferry- 902 10 01 07
Titsa Buses - 922 53 13 00
To Dial Internationally From Tenerife
The access code is 00 then continue with your country code and number.
Finland 358
France 33
Germany 49
Ireland 353
Italy 39
Netherlands 31
Norway 47
Poland 48
Spain 34
Sweden 46
Switzerland 41
UK 44